A Lullaby for the Peregrine ❖

Located somewhere within the inner ring debris field, just beyond the farthest edge of the KHU's territorial claims, there exists a curiosity among curiosities.
At a glance, the shining object is indistinct from any other debris, but in the KHU's records, this seemingly inert hunk of metal is known as the Peregrine. Two hundred metres across, somewhat reflective to the eye (but not oddly so), displaying no movements inconsistent with all other matter in the ring. It was, for all intents and purposes, just a notably large chunk of space debris.
The KHU had long ignored the object under the assumption that its trace levels of neural static were nothing more than remnants from the debris field's creation. However, information retrieved from retrieved Divine Solis Imperium records immediately shed doubt on all prior assumptions as to the Peregrine's nature.
To the Divine Solis, the Peregrine was known by another name: Terot, Knight Apostolic and Heritor of Silence. Like with all other Saints, no other records on it still existed, if any had ever existed at all. As of 98EC, the Peregrine had yet to display any verifiable form of hostility, let alone sentience. Even still, the KHU considered it a monitored entity of the highest priority. A pygmalion of its size would be highly unusual, but not beyond possibility.
The Peregrine's proximity is noted by smugglers for being the subject of many a ghost story, often involving whispering and quiet singing being heard through the walls of otherwise empty ships. Civilians were not made aware of the Peregrine's nature, and so these reports are presumed to be legitimate. The Seneschal board, while interested in this possible behaviour, have no reason to suspect it as anything more than the paranoid human mind's reaction to stray neural static.